Deep Roots Families,

Happy Holidays!

As next week will be our last full week of learning instruction for 2020, we want to charge it full of holiday and school spirit for our students.

We’ll be celebrating our another Spirit Week with some fun challenges and memories to make with and for our kiddos:

  • 14 Dec. Monday—Holiday Head Gear: Wear your craziest holiday head gear! Antlers? Lampshade? Who will be our most festive holiday head?
  • 15 Dec. Tuesday—Winter Wonderland Whiteout: Let’s paint our Zooms with a whiteout blizzard. Wear white. Maybe paint our faces, hair and backdrop with a little snow and snap a class photo of our blizzard!
  • 16 Dec. Wednesday—Holiday Inclusion: How and whICH holiday does your family celebrate this time of year? Take a pic and share with your classmates by posting on Seesaw or via our FB page.
  • 17 Dec. Thursday—Ugly Sweater Day: We want to see your ugliest sweater! Wear it and share it with us!
  • 18 Dec. Friday—Movie Madness and Comfy Pajamas: Snuggle up in your comfiest pjs, favorite stuffed animal and snack and we’ll watch a holiday movie together to get in the spirit!

Please share the attached flyer with your students and lets get our students pumped up for a GREAT WEEK!


The Deep Roots Team