SRC Action Meeting 5/24

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As many of you are aware, we have had a building change due to renovation timeline issues at the original location, and that we have come to an agreement with the Ad Prima Charter School team to purchase and improve the building for next school year. We are awaiting school district approval, and we want to make sure they move forward quickly with approving this decision. You can help support that in two ways.

First, we would like parents who would be interested in speaking in support of our school in the community at the upcoming meetings. Please contact me at 267-399-3727 if you would like to speak. Second, we would like families to join us at the meetings to continue to show support for our school and community. If you would like more information on how you can help in this way, more information on volunteering in general, or if you have any other questions about these events, please reach out through email or phone.

More details on registering to speak here:

Please contact us to discuss speaker registration process further if you are interested.

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