Donuts with Dad

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Where: Deep Roots Charter School
When: Friday, June 14, 2019
Time: 8:15 ~ 9:30 a.m.

(“Dads” will check in from 8:00-8:15 to confirm RSVP with a member of Leadership.)

Who: Dads and Deep Roots Children

Please bring anyone who is a dad or an important man in your life. This could be a teacher, uncle, friend, neighbor, grandparent, cousin, etc.

You and your child can enjoy donuts and/or pastries, fresh-brewed coffee and juice, along with lively conversation with other Deep Roots dad’s and staff.

Please complete the form below and return to school no later than June 4th. Remember the event is an RSVP only, and there are limited seats.

See you there!

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