Annual Title Funding Meeting

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Deep Roots Charter School receives Federal Title funds in order to provide additional supports for Deep Roots students and families.

Dear Deep Roots Parents & Guardians:

Deep Roots Charter School receives Federal Title funds in order to provide additional supports for Deep Roots students and families. Each year, school staff members and families must come together to discuss how these title funds are used. This year, the Deep Roots team is excited to host a virtual Title Fund Meeting using ZOOM. During this meeting we will:

  • Provide an overview of Deep Roots’ Title program
  • Gather feedback on from families that will be used to plan staff future professional development, family engagement activities, and other school plans

The Annual Title Funding meeting will take place on Wednesday, June 3, 2020 at 3:30pm. Please RSVP at the link below by Tuesday, June 2 at 3:30pm if you plan to attend. The ZOOM link and meeting materials will be emailed to you at least 24 hours before the meeting starts.


If you have any questions about this meeting, please reach out to Ashley McGrath, Deep Roots Chief Operating Officer, at

We look forward to connecting with many of you on June 3 at 3:30pm.

Stay safe and healthy,

The Deep Roots Team

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